Global Concepts on  Foreigners-owned Company Registration

Global Concepts on  Foreigners-owned Company Registration

Section 1 Global Concepts on  Foreigners-owned  Company Registration

關於各國政府對外資設立的大觀念 kc(Knowledge code)=LEG-WW-00
Broad concept of FDI by Governments kc(Knowledge code)=LEG-WW-00


Is that a Anglo-American legal system country? Or a civil law system country?
Is the country developed? Developing countries? Low-development countries?
Is there a Notary system in the company registration process in the country?
Does the country have an anti-money-laundering law and a terrorist prevention law?
Is the size of the country and the structure of national Governments central? Or the Confederacy?
What are the government’s concerns about foreign companies?

When it comes to setting up a foreign subsidiary, there are a few necessary understandings when expanding your business to a new country, a new city, a new operation base.

The first thing to know is:
Is that an Anglo-American legal system country? Or a civil law system country?
In two different legal systems, there are many different requirements  and regulations for the organizational structure of the company, its registered address, its capital structure, etc.


The second thing to know is:
is the country already developed?  Or developing countries? Or Low-development countries?
These three kinds of countries with different levels of economic development will big influences in  (1) industries with limited foreign investment, (2)industries with restricted foreign investment, (3)industries with prohibited foreign investment, (4)special-permitted-licensed industries, (4) Shareholders capital ratio of foreign investment, (5)minimum capital.
For example, Low-development countries usually do not allow foreign investment to get involved in industries of both retailing and services.


The third thing to know is :
whether there is a Notary system in the company registration process in the country.
That is, the articles of incorporation of new-setup foreign-owned company require Notary’s Notarization and to be referred to the local court or other exclusive company registration authority.
The Dutch, Swiss, German, Italy, Spain, Poland, Romania, Spain, Italy, Japan and Indonesia all have Notary system.
Usually, law firms in these countries have affiliated CPAs who practice together with them.

各國對外資公司設立程序逐漸變為簡單,但如有上述兩法規,律師、會計師,銀行及其他專業人士,皆被要求嚴格把關執行KYC(Know Your Client)程序。

The fourth point to know is:
does the country have an anti-money-laundering law and an anti-terrorist-financing law?
Although the procedure for the establishment of foreign-funded companies has gradually become more and more simpler in various countries, but with the above-mentioned two regulations, Lawyers, accountants, banks and other professionals are required to strictly enforce KYC (Know Your Client) procedures. When provide the company registration services and bank account opening services, all services providers must pass a more rigorous screening to ensure the investor be a solid and decent company.


The fifth question to understand is:
is the area size of the country? And the structure of governments, is central or confederate?
This involves in about  various certificate application like (1)central or local – corporate income tax certificate number,(2) central or local – personal income tax certificate number, (3)central or local – business tax certificate number, (4)central or local – social welfare certificate number, Central or  (5)local – application for pension certificate number, etc.

因而會藉著在地股東、在地董事來担任聯絡人、限制一址一公司、投資方文件認證等措施,主要在保障發生任何事情,可以找到相關利害關係人出面處理, 嚇阻不法皮包公司及其不法行為存在。

The sixth thing to know is:
what are the government’s concerns about foreign companies?
Every country’s governments surely welcome foreign investment, but the common expectation are that does not want foreign capital to open bank account for money laundering, selling counterfeit invoices, making money without paying taxes, operating business projects not approved by the country, etc.
This will result in adopting various measures such as (1) required local shareholders, (2)required local directors acting as liaisons, (3)restricting one company being setup in one address ,(4) official authentication of investor documents。Mainly assure that when anything incurred, government can find the relevant stakeholders to deal with, and try to deter the illegal shell companies and the existence of illegal acts.

The following sections will describe them in more details.

Section 2: 在該國設立:子公司,公司,分公司,代表處
Section 2: Establishing subsidiaries, companies, branch offices or representative offices in the country.

LEG-WW-10 20190715
在該國允許設立子公司,公司,分公司,代表處嗎? 權利義務與稅負規定有何不同?
該國有聯邦法律個體(Legal Entity)與各州租稅個體(Tax Entity)併存機制?

LEG-WW-10 20190715
Establishing subsidiaries, companies, branch offices or representative offices in the country.
*Are subsidiaries, companies, branches, representative offices allowed in the country? What are their difference among rights and obligations and tax provisions?
*Are there different types of companies in the country? What are the different rights, obligations and tax provisions?
*What are the considerations in establishing a branch or subsidiary? What are the different tax provisions for branch companies in this country?
*Does the country welcome investment through offshore tax-exempt paradise holding companies?
*Is there a Legal Entity in the country and a Tax Entity in the states?
*How do you pay for the salaries of people in the investee country before the investment is made? Is the State Withholding of Investment? Is it considered a permanent establishment risk?

LEG-WW-10: What are the considerations in establishing a branch or subsidiary?

至於是否設立分公司或子公司,根據OECD版(OECD, 2015/10/30)分公司租稅協定標準版本,跨國公司的海外機構如為分公司(Branch)型態,被視為常設機構,當兩個經濟體訂立的租稅互惠協定,常設機構只能課企業所得稅,利潤分回給國外股東時就不能再課股利分配稅。

As to whether to establish a branch or subsidiary, according to the OECD version ( 2015/10/30) Standard Version of Branch Tax Agreement, where an overseas Entity of a MNC is a Branch, is considered a permanent establishment.
When two economies enter into reciprocal agreements on taxes and taxes, the permanent establishment is only liable to enterprise income tax, and the profits are divided back to foreign shareholders, no dividend distribution tax can be levied.
In contrast, if the multinational enterprise is established as a subsidiary, not only should the enterprise income tax be levied, but the profit should be distributed to the foreign shareholders, but also the dividend distribution tax should be levied again.
As a result, many countries have a fairly consistent view of subsidiaries; But measures for treating branch offices are rather inconsistent. For example, China does not allow foreign capital to set up “branch offices”, while Thailand’s branches only allow the issuance of service invoices, Singapore abolishes dividend distribution tax (i.e., the distribution of dividends by subsidiaries to foreign shareholders and is not taxable), and Taiwan branch does not levy dividend distribution tax (but its subsidiaries are subject to dividend distribution tax).
So, in addition to regulatory and industry regulatory considerations, the country’s tax considerations between subsidiaries or subsidiaries need to be considered to determine the company’s shape.


More than 40 per cent of foreign subsidiaries and 100 per cent of subsidiaries in the Philippines will cost $200,000, However, only one local Filipino is required to be the legal representative of the branch, while three of the five directors of the subsidiary are required to be of Filipino nationality, so many foreign companies have established branches in the Philippines.


Branch’s business items and business scope are often restricted, different countries look at branch company is different; Look at the subsidiaries in much the same way.

LEG-WW-10:法律個體(Legal Entity)與租稅個體(Tax Entity)
LEG-WW-10: Legal Entity and Tax Entity


What are the requirements for setting up branch offices, representative offices, etc., in a country with foreign investment (permanent establishment)? What are the tax requirements?

但是有些單位只是租稅個體,而沒有”法律個體”地位,例如跨國企業在海外的分支機構(Branch)、代表處(Representative office)或常設機構(Permanent Establishment)(陳清秀,2016) and (吳德豐、謝德美,2014) 。

The subject of law refers to the unit directly responsible for legal liability, foreign capital in the overseas subsidiary companies, the subsidiary is an independent legal entity.
But some units are tax-paying individuals and have no status as “legal individuals” Examples are Branch, Representative offices or Permanent Establishment of multinational enterprises abroad (Chen Qingxiu) 2016) and (U Tak Fung, Xie Demei, 2014).


In relation to the establishment of a company in a city in the same country, it is to operate across continents and provinces, A subsidiary may also have the status of a legal individual and a tax individual, or may only go to another state to set up a tax individual.
The most typical is the federal system of the United States, which can set up a company in California with a legal status and a federal tax personal identification number, and a California Social Security Certificate number.
This company in California went to Miami to do business, go to the Miami State Government to apply to the Miami State Tax Personal Identification Number and the Miami State Social Security Certificate Number.
In Miami State it is a tax individual. Then, in California, you file a California tax, you file a Miami tax in Miami, and the federal tax is declared by a Californian corporation with its own law, adding California to Miami.

LEG-WW-10: Overseas Subsidiaries Invested through Offshore Duty-Free Paradise Holdings

所謂免稅天堂控股公司,包括BVI,SAMOA,PANAMA,Camay Island,Cyprus,Seychelles,Amsterdam等公司,在過去許多公司透過先轉投資到境外公司再轉投資到海外子公司,並將產生的利潤留在境外公司。這樣的實務必須搭配銀行能夠配合開戶,而且境外公司的最終受益人必須能夠不被揭露。

BVI, SAMOA, PANAMA, Camay Island, etc., Tax-Free Paradise Holding Company, including BVI, SAMOA, PANAMA. Companies such as Cyprus, Seychelles and Amsterdam have in the past reinvested in offshore companies and then overseas subsidiaries, and kept the profits they generated in foreign companies. Such practices must be matched with the bank’s ability to open accounts, and the ultimate beneficiaries of foreign companies must be able to remain undisclosed. But since the Panama incident, on the one hand, the ultimate beneficiary has been asked to make public, and banks in all countries have to swap the amount of deposit and the transaction information of the account holder, so the space for assets and proceeds to be hidden is greatly reduced.


With international, anti-money-laundering and terrorist financing laws, banks, lawyers, accountants and other intermediaries, being obliged to assist in the voluntary declaration of transactions with a different client. Failure to do so will result in civil and criminal damages.
Therefore, it can be said that such practical operation is no longer practical.

Corporate Structure Planning

ü   這個國家是英美普通法系,還是大陸法體系?
ü   該國公司組織中的職位,如董事、監察人、公司秘書等之規定如何?
ü   該國有公司秘書的規定?此項規定之目的為何?
ü   該國公司發起人(Incorporator)持股多久可以賣?此項規定之目的為何?
ü   該國公司有在地股東 (Resident Shareholder)的規定嗎?此項規定之目的為何?
ü   該國有安排人頭股東(Nominee)實務嗎?風險為何?
ü   該國有在地董事(Resident Director)的規定?此項規定之目的為何?
ü   管理考量–在地董事的安排?風險為何?
ü   管理考量-關於誰最合適擔任海外子公司的法人代表探討?

Corporate Structure Planning
*Is this country a common law system or a civil law system?
*What are the requirements for positions in the organization of the company in the country, such as directors, supervisors, company secretaries, etc.?
*Is there a company secretary requirement in the country? What is the purpose of this provision?
*How long can a country’s promoter of a company sell its shares? What is the purpose of this provision?
*Are there any local Shareholder (Resident Shareholder) in the country? What is the purpose of this provision?
*Does the country have Nominee in place? What are the risks?
*Is there a Resident Director in the country? What is the purpose of this provision?
*Management considerations – arrangements for local directors? What are the risks?
*Management considerations – discussion of who is best suited to act as the legal representative of an overseas subsidiary?

LEG-WW-30: Is this country a common law system or a civil law system?


When setting up subsidiaries abroad, the multinational enterprise must first confirm whether the laws of the investee country are English, American or Continental Law (Germany) systems.
There are some differences between the two legal systems.
There is also a principle of fairness and justice, that is, the principle of fairness and justice takes precedence over the law, in the United Kingdom and the United States over the law.
So judges often form a jury to adjudicate, and there is a lot of precedent to refer to, and the progressive revision of the law will turn the precedent into formal law. In the continental legal system, the law is the most important standard of judgment.
Its constitution is called a rigid constitution, even if the law is not in accordance with fairness and justice, It is unreasonable for us to abide by it, and it will be necessary for us to wait until the formal legislative changes are made before we can change it. The costs of judicial proceedings and the costs of using the law to maintain social order are relatively low in the continental legal system.

LEG-WW-30: What are the requirements for a position in a company’s organization, such as a director, supervisor, company secretary, etc?

(1).”公司秘書”(Company Secretary)必須被指派負責董事會及公司法規定的法律遵循事務。
(2)CEO必須是董事會的成員,較小公司有時稱為Managing Director
(5)沒有監察人,所有非執行董事(沒有在公司任職的董事)都是監察人,都有權來查公司的一切活動及帳務及法規遵循狀況 (陳中成會計師,2014/08/03)

These two legal systems also affect the organizational structure of their corporate laws. China, Japan and Taiwan are continental legal systems, There is a structure of chairman, director, supervisor and shareholder. From the continental legal system, the most important features of the Anglo-American legal system are as follows:
(1)Company Secretary must be assigned to the Board of Directors and to the Company Secretary in respect of compliance with the Law.
(2) The CEO must be a member of the board, and smaller companies are sometimes referred to as Managing Director
(3) Chairman is vacant and cannot contract with outside party
(4) There is often a declaration of bankruptcy, because the directors are under a prior declaration of exemption from liability with respect to creditors, as in the case of the Companies Act of the United Kingdom, if the company fails to make a cash flow after six months, It may not be possible to repay the debt and it must be entrusted to creditors or declared bankrupt, otherwise the board has a duty, and in some cases even creditors can pursue the directors’ private property to pay it back.
(5) Without a supervisor, all non-executive directors (directors who are not in the company) are supervisors, They have the right to inspect all company activities and the compliance status of accounting and compliance with laws and regulations (Chen Chung-cheng CPA, 2014/08/03).

LEG-WW-30: How long can a promoter’s shareholding be sold?

跨國公司設立海外子公司時,設立初期尚有發起人( Incorporator )這個角色。

When MNCs set up overseas subsidiaries, there was an initial role for the promoters.
The promoter becomes a Shareholders only after the company is established.
The shares of the promoters are usually transferable after they have been established and acquired the status of shareholders. So some countries, such as Malaysian companies, need more than two sponsors to set up their own companies.
If foreign capital wants 100% ownership, it has to be divided into two stages, In addition to owning more than 99 per cent of the shares, the promoters give very small stakes, and upon the completion of the establishment of the company, the sponsors’ equity is transferred to foreign capital to reach 100 per cent.
However, some countries require that the shares owned by the promoters must be transferred after a certain period of time, as in the case of Taiwan, one year before the shares of the promoters can be transferred.

LEG-WW-30: Requirements for local shareholders?


In some countries, foreign shareholding in a foreign equity trust can be given to the local shareholder and represented by that shareholder.
In India, for example, the foreign parent company can be represented by itself 99 per cent when it is established and 1 per cent by Indians in the region, Two of its shareholders invest in foreign subsidiaries in India in such a way as to maintain 100 per cent of their foreign capital operations.

LEG-WW-30: What are the risks involved in arranging head shareholders?


Since many countries restrict the industries in which they are capable of operating, or have to have a certain percentage of their nationality, there are many head-shareholder arrangements.
The head-holder arrangement often goes hand in hand with the loan contract and the absence of a date for the loan, and the transfer of shares without the transferor, as well as the arrangement of a lower dividend distribution in the prospectus.
These are extremely complex and risky investment structures that sometimes create the risk of bribery of officials in order to obtain a license.
For example, the Philippine company registration officer may question the funding of Filipino shareholders.
At the same time, when the company has to go through the change formalities in the relevant government units because of its operational needs, the head-holder shareholders are often unwilling to cooperate with the signature and have to pay an extra price.
Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to avoid the arrangement of the Head Shareholder, and it is more appropriate to establish the investment structure of the foreign subsidiary in a legal way.


A number of 51 per cent of Thailand’s equity is held by Thai residents as shareholders, and such companies usually need to control the company not to make money, not to cause the local shareholders to pay income tax because of the dividend distribution.
And the way to control Thai companies that do not make money is only for companies with at least one outside, i.e., material suppliers abroad, or customers abroad.
These overseas companies are all controlled by foreign capital, and as a result, Thai companies buy high and sell low. But Thailand’s tax office will also use the transfer pricing method to levy income tax risk.

LEG-WW-30: Requirements for local directors?


Some local directors are required to have a shareholder status, such as the three on the ground in the Philippines, even if each director has a small dollar, it is permissible.
But since this is a local director’s share, they cannot be forced to sell, unless they agree, this will affect future changes, which can cause problems when some documents need to be signed by local directors or all shareholders.

LEG-WW-30: Arrangements for Local Directors?

基於這樣的概念,許多英美法系的國家,即使是允許外國100%股權投資的子公司,也必須安排在地董事(Resident Director),這包括新加坡、菲律賓、印度、馬來西亞等皆需要。

Based on this concept, many common law countries, even if they are subsidiaries that allow 100 per cent of foreign equity investment, Local Director (Resident Director), which includes Singapore, the Philippines, India, Malaysia, etc., must also be placed.
The need for local directors has often plagued the establishment of foreign subsidiaries of multinational companies. Appoint employees of local subsidiaries or managers of subsidiaries as directors, there may be conflicts of interest, may reverse the authorization process, may be more difficult to deal with when a subsidiary is not in compliance with the law, and thus can usually be prevented from doing so.
However, when a person with local nationality is appointed to the local directorship, Local directors also fear tax evasion by foreign affiliates, claims involvement and other regulatory infringements, making it difficult to find. Unless the local directors are well aware of the operations of the foreign subsidiary, they will usually appoint “company secretary” or the person designated by the accounting firm to act as a local director.

LEG-WW-30:公司秘書(Company Secretory)的規定?
LEG-WW-30: Company Secretory Regulation?

還有這些需要在地董事的國家,通常都有公司秘書(Company Secretory)這個職位,把預先簽好沒有日期的股權轉讓合約書,放在公司秘書的檔案裡,當需要變更時押上日期就可以去辦理在地股東股權變更及在地董事變更。
And in countries where local directors are required, there is usually a position for Company Secretory to sign an undated share transfer agreement in which there is no pre-existing contract, In the company secretary’s file, when need change, the date can be deferred to deal with the change of local shareholder’s shareholding and local director’s change.

LEG-WW-30: On who is best qualified to act as the legal representative of an overseas subsidiary?


On who would be best placed to act as the legal representative of an overseas subsidiary? There are three options: a senior management team member of the parent company, the parent company sends its subsidiary managers, and the managers of the locally employed subsidiaries, the most ideal and common of which are the members of the top management team of the parent company.


This is because managers will not be able to maintain good internal controls if the overseas subsidiaries establish a “controller” system. It is also quite troublesome for managers to change, and thus to change the credentials of corporate representatives of foreign affiliates.
For example, a bank account, usually signed and signed by a legal representative and a bank, must be changed by the legal representative at the bank if the manager changes his position or leaves office.


But the senior members of the parent company’s management team must be people who are able to frequent their subsidiaries overseas. Many TNCs have sent senior members of the parent company to act as corporate representatives, and as a result, they often encounter difficulties in opening local bank accounts in their subsidiaries abroad because they are too busy to do so. Of course, non-audit service providers are required to provide “collection and payment” services at this time. Collection and payment is the large bank account opened locally by a multinational corporation when payment is made to the supplier or employee. Bank accounts are transferred to non-audit service providers and paid by non-audit service providers to employees and suppliers.

Foreign capital allows industries, restricted industries, prohibited industries, licensed industries

ü  在該國採正面表列方式(列出來才允許外資投資或限制投資)?外資比例規定?其資本額規定?此項規定之目的為何?
ü  在該國採負面表列方式(列出來不可,未列允許投資或限制投資)?外資比例規定?其資本額規定?此項規定之目的為何?
ü  在該國:對某些投資國採正面表列方式? 同時也對某些投資國採負面表列方式?此項規定之目的為何?

Positive or negative table columns
*Positive tabulation in the country (listing of FDI or restriction of investment)? What is the ratio of foreign investment? What is its capital requirement? What is the purpose of this provision?
*Negative tabulation in the country (which cannot be listed and does not allow or restrict investment)? What is the ratio of foreign investment? What is its capital requirement? What is the purpose of this provision?
*In that country: positive tabulation for certain investor countries? Is there a negative tabulation for some home countries? What is the purpose of this provision?

ü  在該國採正面表列方式(列出來限制投資)?外資比例規定?其資本額規定?此項規定之目的為何?
ü   在該國採負面表列方式(列出來不可,未列允許限制投資)?外資比例規定?其資本額規定?此項規定之目的為何?

Foreign Investment Restriction Industries (Foreign Investment Restriction Industries)
*Positive tabulation in the country (listing to restrict investment)? What is the ratio of foreign investment? What is its capital requirement? What is the purpose of this provision?
*Negative tabulation in the country (listing not allowed, no restrictions on investment)? What is the ratio of foreign investment? What is its capital requirement? What is the purpose of this provision?

ü  在該國外資如何取得100%或接近100%控股行業是什?其資本額規定?此項規定之目的為何?
ü  在該國採正面表列方式(列出來才允許外資投資)?其資本額規定?此項規定之目的為何?
ü  在該國採負面表列方式(列出來不可,未列才允許外資投資)?其資本額規定?此項規定之目的為何?

Foreign Investment Permitted Industries (FDI Permitted Industries)
*How does foreign investment in the country achieve 100 per cent or close to 100 per cent of the holding industry? What is its capital requirement? What is the purpose of this provision?
*Positive tabulation in the country (listing only foreign investment allowed)? What is its capital requirement? What is the purpose of this provision?
*What is the negative tabulation in the country (the list cannot be listed, only foreign investment is allowed)? What is its capital requirement? What is the purpose of this provision?

ü  在該國對於外資的不允許投資行業是什?此項規定之目的為何?
ü  在該國採正面表列方式(未列出來不允許外資投資)?此項規定之目的為何?
ü  在該國採負面表列方式(列出來不允許外資投資)?此項規定之目的為何?

Foreign investment shall not be allowed in the investment industry (industry prohibited by foreign investment)
*What is the non-permitted investment industry in the country for foreign investment? What is the purpose of this provision?
*Positive tabulation in the country (no FDI is allowed)? What is the purpose of this provision?
*Negative tabulation in the country (which does not allow foreign investment)? What is the purpose of this provision?

ü   該國特許行業與外商限制行業有什不同?
ü   該國特許行業主管機關需先核准,再由外資主管機關核准嗎?機制如何?

Licensed industry in the country
*What is the difference between the country’s licensed industry and foreign-restricted industries?
*Does the country’s authorized industry authority need to approve before foreign investment authorities can approve it? What about the mechanism?

ü   該國醫療器材銷售許可證-如何申請?
ü   該國食品流通許可證-如何申請?
ü   該國藥證-如何申請?
ü   該國海空貨物承攬業-如何申請?

The License Industry Approval Certificate of the country;
*License for the sale of medical equipment in the country – how to apply?
*Permit for food distribution in the country – how to apply?
*National Drug Certificate – How to Apply?
*Air and Sea Cargo Contracting in the country – How to Apply?

ü   該國特許行業與外商限制行業如何避開?
ü   該國允許先設立100%子公司, 再轉投資嗎?
ü  管理考量–可以與有特許證公司以不合資但合作方式–協作雙贏嗎? 此項考量之目的為何?

Shunning Concessionary Industries and Foreign-Restricted Industries in the Country
*How can the country’s licensed and foreign-restricted industries be avoided?
*Does the country allow the establishment of 100 per cent subsidiaries before reinvestment?
*Regulatory considerations – can a non-joint but cooperative approach be made with a licensed company – to collaborate on a win-win basis? What is the purpose of this consideration?

SPE-WW-05: Is the country’s industry and products with foreign investment positively listed or negatively listed?


Positive listed industries are those in which foreign investment can be permitted and restricted, such as minimum capital and internal and external capital ratios, as well as the requisite qualifications. For the remaining industries not included in the positive list, foreign investment is prohibited. Each country, however, retains a stopgap measure for ad hoc review.


The negative listed industries are the listed industries, the industries where foreign investment is prohibited, and the industries with restricted conditions for foreign investment. Restrictions on investment include minimum capital, ratio of internal and external capital and other necessary qualifications, etc. The rest are not listed in the negative list and can be invested under the foreign company law of the country.

SPE-WW-05: Looking at the list of industries and products on the positive list, what kinds of foreign investment permitted, restricted and prohibited?

Positive List Industry and Product List and Foreign Capital Permitted Class, Restricted Class and Prohibited Class Relationship

允許類 限制類 禁止類



清單列出來允許外資投資 清單列出來限制外資投資有條件投資 清單未列出來禁止外資投資






資料來源: 本研究

Permitted Classes Restricted Classes Prohibited Classes
A positive list of investments


when industries being listed, allowed foreigners investing. when industries being listed, allowed foreigners investing in some conditions The industries without being listed, will not be allowed foreigners investing








Source: This study

Permitted category: Industry and its products listed on the positive list, and foreign investment allowed.
Restricted class: Industry and its products listed on the positive list, restricting foreign investment and conditional investment.

Prohibited Category: Industries and products not listed in the positive list are prohibited from foreign investment.

SPE-WW-05: Looking at the List of Industries and Products in the Negative List, FDI Permitted, Restricted and Prohibited Categories?

表4.2 負面表列行業與產品清單與外資允許類、限制類、禁止類關係
Table4.2 Negative List Industry and Product List and Foreign Capital Permitted Class, Restricted Class and Prohibited Class Relationship

允許類 限制類 禁止類



清單未列出來允許外資投資 清單列出來








資料來源: 本研究

Permitted Category Restricted Category Prohibited category
The Negative List


if  the industries are Not Listed, Allowing Foreign Investment The industries are  Listed, allowing foreign Investment in some conditional terms. The industries being Listed, which are not allowed foreign investment.







Source: This study


Permitted Category: Industries and their products not listed in the Negative Listed List are allowed foreign investment.
Restricted category: Industries listed in the negative list and their products, restricting foreign investment in conditional investment.

Prohibited Category: Industries and their products listed on the negative list are prohibited from foreign investment.

SPE-WW-10: What are the ways to restrict foreign investment?

限制外資投資有許多的方式, 例如股權比例限制,股東身份限制,資質要求,需要專案查核等等。
There are many ways to restrict foreign investment, such as shareholding limit, shareholder status limit, qualification requirement, need for project check, etc.

當設立子公司時 就有所謂內外資比例問題。

When a subsidiary is established, there is the so-called internal-external ratio.
At this point, the issue of the items of business of the investee country is involved. Basically, there are some industries which prohibit the operation of foreign capital, some of which are positive and some of which are negative, in the way in which they are stated.
The positive list refers to the listed project foreign capital can operate, other cannot.
Negative listing means that the listed project foreign capital can not be operated, other can.


Some industries allow foreign investment, but foreign investment must be kept below a certain percentage.
For example, if Thailand’s non-manufacturing foreign capital is below 100 million baht, the proportion of Thai shareholders needs to be above 51%.
Philippine domestic enterprises are defined as Philippine equity shares of more than 60%.
Indonesia has some industries that require only 67 per cent of foreign investment.
There are many industries that allow foreign investment in some countries, but it is a licensed industry, such as food products that require a food distribution license from the Food and Drug Administration; Some require professional identification, such as architectural design, which requires an architect.
Cross a country, although in the home country to operate the industry license and technicians, but have to re-apply.

SPE-WW-30: What is the difference between the licensing industry and the permitted type of restricted industry?


Licensed industries are those that require the approval of government agencies that have jurisdiction over the matter in that State, such as the pharmaceutical industry, which requires the approval of drug regulatory units.
Restricted industries refer to the industries that need to be approved by the jurisdiction of foreign investment.
The restricted industry is not necessarily the licensed industry, but if the restricted industry is also the licensed industry, there are two units to approve. Permissible classes may be in some cases licensed industries and may also require regulatory approval by government authorities.

SPE-WW-50: Avoidance Strategy for the Concession Industry?


The best time to be invested in a state-owned business, but when it comes to the concession industry, the best thing is to set up a non-franchised company, And cooperate with local companies with a license or professional license.
Gradually the business is done locally, and it is only natural to hire a licensed professional to apply for a license to the licensed trade.
A one-off challenge to licensing in the licensing industry, which is often costly and risky at the outset, is what is required to obtain a license.

Document authentication

ü  需認證投資國相關文件為何?
ü  該國對投資國文件只要由專業人士實名認證?還是要經過雙方政府公證&認證手續? 此項規定之目的為何?
ü  投資國相關文件公證單位(法院公證處or 民間公證人)為何?
ü  投資相關文件投資國認證單位(外交部)名稱為何?
ü  投資相關文件認證單位(被投資國派駐在投資國駐外單位)為何?

Certification of relevant documentation in home country
*What are the documents required to certify the home country?
*Is the country authenticating its investment country documentation only with a professional name? Still want to pass both government notarization& attestation procedure? What is the purpose of this provision?
*What is the relevant document notary unit in the country of investment (court notary public or notary public)?
*What is the name of the certification authority (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) in the country of investment related documentation?
*What are the investment-related documentation certification units (units of the investee country stationed abroad)?

ü  需認證投資國相關文件為何?
ü  該國對投資國文件只要由專業人士實名認證?還是要經過雙方政府公證&認證手續? 此項規定之目的為何?
ü  投資國相關文件公證單位(法院公證處or 民間公證人)為何?
ü  投資相關文件投資國認證單位(外交部)名稱為何?
ü  投資相關文件認證單位(被投資國派駐在投資國駐外單位)為何?

Certification of relevant documentation in home country
*What are the documents required to certify the home country?
*Is the country authenticating its investment country documentation only with a professional name? Still want to pass both government notarization& attestation procedure? What is the purpose of this provision?
*What is the relevant document notary unit in the country of investment (court notary public or notary public)?
*What is the name of the certification authority (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) in the country of investment related documentation?
*What are the investment-related documentation certification units (units of the investee country stationed abroad)?

LEG-WW-50: What are the documents required to certify the investment?


In the case of investments by natural persons, the most basic are identification, some are passport-specific and some are both passport-certified and the second is accompanied by passport-based.
Some States have considerable regard for the contact address of the investor and therefore have to prove that the natural person was actually residing there, Receipts such as water, electricity or phone bills are certified.
Some countries are also concerned about whether investors have the financial resources to invest, particularly in countries where the approved company is incorporated before it is invested, A natural person investor would be required to provide proof of property, which would normally be equivalent to the amount of the investment capital or the amount of the anticipated capital injection in the first phase set out in the charter.
Some countries, such as the Philippines and Turkey, require the deposit of a corresponding amount of investment in the country prior to approval in order to register the foreign-funded company with the certificate of deposit further down the line.


In the case of corporate investment, the most basic certification of the company.
In some countries, the certification of the articles of association, the members of the shareholders’ meeting and the members of the board of directors are still required to be certified in accordance with the articles of association, the investment documents approved by the resolutions of the board of directors.
The board of directors decides to appoint the legal representative document certification of the foreign-funded company. In addition, he is appointed as the legal representative of the foreign company.


At the same time, many countries still need to document the letter of appointment when appointing lawyers, accountants or local companies, and local residents to assist in the processing of foreign-funded subsidiaries in the area.
The financial statements of other corporate investors are certified to demonstrate the financial strength of the company.

LEG-WW-50: What is the investment-related documentation certification process?


In order for the investee country to be sure that the investor exists in its home country and has good credit standing, it must have a documented certification system.
For example, if a Taiwanese company wants to invest in Vietnam, it must first apply for the company’s documents from the Department of Commerce of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Then get notarized or notarized by the Notary Public Office of the Court, notarized and then sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan for authentication, and finally sent to the Vietnamese Representative Office in Taiwan for certification, Documents that have gone through these procedures can be submitted to the Vietnamese Government’s Industrial and Commercial Registration Authority as the necessary documents for the application.


However, some countries document certification, as long as the qualified lawyers and notaries, or accountants visa on the count, do not need to be so troublesome.
For example, the United Kingdom’s personal identification documents certification, as long as accountants in other countries are willing to sign the certification. Malaysia’s certification of the Singapore National Investment Corporation is only as long as it is certified by an accountant who is a member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of the United Kingdom.

Procedures for Applying for a Foreign Company

ü  該國名稱預查申請困難或容易?透明度如何?
ü  該國的外資審議機構名稱是什麼?申請審查要什文件?申請期間要多久?此項規定之目的為何?
ü  該國公司登記主管機關是法院?還是行政機關?公司章程需要公證人公證嗎? 此項規定之目的為何?
ü  資本金是在登記主管機關核准前要匯入?還是核准後匯入?

Procedures for Applying for a Foreign Company:
*Is it difficult or easy to pre-screen a name in the country? How transparent?
*What is the name of the country’s foreign investment review body? What documents are required to apply for review? How long does the application period take? What is the purpose of this provision?
*Is the country’s company registration authority a court? Or the executive? Does the company charter need notarization by a notary public? What is the purpose of this provision?
*Are capital remittances made prior to the approval of the competent registration authority? Approved and remitted?

LEG-WW-60: Is it difficult or easy to pre-check a name in the country? How transparent?


After the certification of the documentation of the investor country, the first procedure to be followed in the country of investment is usually for the company to register and retain its name, In cities with a high level of economic development, such as Shanghai, it is quite difficult to name and retain names according to the expectations of the parent company, as too many companies are already registered in Shanghai. Relatively weak economic development of cities are easy to identify.

LEG-WW-60:該國的外資審議機構名稱是什麼?申請審查要什文件? 申請期間要多久? 此項規定之目的為何?
LEG-WW-60: What is the name of the country’s foreign investment review body? What documents are required to apply for review? How long does the application period take? What is the purpose of this provision?


In addition, whether the documents of the country of investment, especially the articles of association of the foreign company, should be certified by Notary, a Notary recognized by the court, is a more difficult practice to understand.
In most countries, no certification is required for company charters.
If the charter of the company requires Notary certification, the company’s representative in the country is Notary.
After being certified by Notary, Germany was sent to the court and the legal entity of the foreign company was established.
Japan, Indonesia, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands and other countries have Notary system.

LEG-WW-60: Is the company registration authority in this country a court? Or the executive? Does the company charter need notarization by a notary public? What is the purpose of this provision?

Countries whose charters do not require certification have a dedicated unit that is not part of the legal system. In some countries, company charters are certified by Notary, Most of these are handed over to the Legal Affairs System, but some are not handed over to the Legal Affairs System, but rather to the exclusive Foreign Companies Registration Unit, which approves the existence of legal entities.

LEG-WW-60: Is the capital to be remitted before the Registration Authority approves it? Approved and remitted?


In some countries, the company must open its preparatory account before registration and remit the capital invested in the company in advance and produce a certificate of deposit in order to apply for the company together.
Germany, for example, must pay 25, 000 euros to certify its articles of association with Notary;
Another example is that the Philippines has to open a preparatory account to remit US$ 200,000 to the account before submitting the application for approval to the SEC, together with a certificate of deposit before it can apply for the company.

Some countries open a bank account and remit the capital in after the company is registered, as in China and Vietnam.

Taiwan adopts the compromise system, after the Investment Commission approves, opens the preparatory account, and remits the investment capital, then encloses the certificate of deposit to the Commercial Department to apply for the company.

Bank Account for Foreign Subsidiaries of Multinational Enterprises

ü  公司設立與資本金到位的先後順序為何?此項規定之目的為何?
ü  CSR環境下之銀行開戶秘訣?
ü  外資銀行戶&在地內資銀行戶如何交互運用?
ü     該國企業網路銀行開戶普遍嗎?一次性費用多少?每年費用多少?有沒有最低存款規定?
ü  尚未開好在地內資銀行戶前之代收代付服務方式為何?


*Bank account opening of foreign subsidiaries of multinational enterprises what is the order in which the company is set up and the bank opens an account and the capital is in place?

What is the purpose of this provision?

*Tips for opening a bank account in a CSR environment?

*How do foreign banks interact with domestic banks?

*Is it common for the country’s corporate network bank to open an account? How much is the one-time fee? How much is the annual fee? Is there a minimum deposit requirement? How is the collection and payment service in front of the local domestic bank account?

  • INI-WW-30:資本金到位、銀行開戶與辦理公司登記的先後順序為何?

INI-WW-30: What is the order in which capital is available, bank accounts are opened and companies are registered?

有些國家或經濟體,是先資本金到位,再往下辦理公司登記,例如台灣、菲律賓、土耳其等。其實務通常是預先用一名外籍法人代表預查名稱,然後投資審議委員會核准後,用該預查名稱開立籌備處銀行戶,將投資款匯入後,再開始往下到商業司辦理外資公司。以台灣為例,外籍法人必須來台灣先到內政部,依外國護照取得台灣的臨時身分證號,然後用該證號,到銀行申請籌備戶,然後匯款進來後,拿著註冊會計師的驗資證明。而在菲律賓則在送件到SEC審核之前,就必須銀行開戶並匯入USD 200,000,才能往下辦理。

Some countries or economies, such as Taiwan, the Philippines, Turkey and so on, have put capital in place first and then go on to register companies. The actual purpose is usually to pre-check the name with a foreign legal representative, after the approval of the Investment Review Committee, the bank account of the preparatory office is opened with the pre-check name, the investment funds are remitted to the Department of Commerce and the foreign company is dealt with. Take Taiwan as an example. Foreign legal persons must come to Taiwan first to the Ministry of the Interior and obtain Taiwan’s provisional identity card number on the basis of a foreign passport, Then use this card number, apply to the bank to prepare the account, and then the remittance comes in, take the certified public accountant’s capital verification certificate. In the Philippines, bank accounts must be opened and remitted to USD 200000 before a shipment can be sent to the SEC for audit.


In some countries or economies, the capital is remitted only after the company’s license has been obtained. For example, in China, the provincial and municipal trade commissions approved by the Commerce and Industry Bureau (Five-in-One) to obtain the qualification of the company, Need to open a bank account and remit the money, and the capital can be remitted according to the company’s articles of association according to the need.

  • INI-WW-30:外資銀行戶及內資銀行戶如何交互運用?

INI-WW-30: How do foreign banks and domestic banks interact?


Of course, for the sake of the corporate governance of foreign affiliates, usually the general bank account will open two bank accounts, commonly known as large accounts, small accounts. Large accounts are usually local branches of banks in the home country of the investor. Small accounts are usually used by local banks to pay utilities and general expenses.


Companies that use non-audit services when setting up positions overseas must open two bank accounts in financial control, usually the first being called a collection account or a large account; It is used for remittance of capital and sales receipts, as well as for payment by large suppliers. The second account is called a payment account, or a small account, It is usually used to pay salaries, employee and office expenses, as well as business tax, income tax withholding tax, social insurance, health insurance and pension payments.


A large account can usually be an account opened with a foreign bank, a branch or a branch office in the local country, with which the parent company has dealings.


Small accounts, on the other hand, are usually local banks in the country, since the collection and payment of taxes and insurance costs is limited to local banks in the country.


Companies using non-audit services when establishing a presence overseas, In the payment cycle, you must use the network banking function. Usually, the network banking function has three roles: the orderer, the reviewer, the releaser; The order maker of the first level shall be assigned by the non-audit service provider to service personnel who are familiar with the local laws and regulations to execute it.


Because if a parent company treasurer pays, In the case of non-audit service providers, on the one hand, if it is found to be inconsistent with local laws and regulations, the payment has already been made, and it is difficult to recover, much effort and time is required; On the other hand, the accounting books of the parent company and its subsidiaries often result from the time lag of certain payment transactions, which results in the need to reconcile the accounts with the interests of the public.

  • INI-WW-30:CRS環境下之銀行開戶訣竅?

INI-WW-30: How to open a bank account in CRS environment?

為打擊海外逃漏稅,2010 年美國國會頒布「海外帳戶稅收遵循法案」(即 FATCA 條款),要求所有美國境外的金融機構,必須定期將美國公民和美國稅務居民所持有的金融帳戶資料提供給美國國稅局 (IRS),2017年起金融機構 (FI) 提交的資料範圍又增加金融資產的處分收入,追稅的力道可以見得是愈來愈大。各國政府間群起效尤,另一波全球性的肥咖條款 — 共同報告標準 (CRS;全名 Common Reporting Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information in Tax Matters)更是來勢汹汹(羅友三,2017/02/22)

To combat tax evasion overseas, the US Congress enacted the Offshore Accounts Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) in 2010, require all financial institutions outside the U.S. to regularly provide the IRS with financial account information held by U.S. citizens and U.S. tax residents. Since 2017, the scope of information submitted by financial institutions (FIs) has increased the proceeds of disposal of financial assets, and the impact of tax recovery can be seen to be increasing. Governments have been particularly effective, with another wave of global fattening clauses – common reporting standards (CRS); full name Common Reporting Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information in Tax Matters) He is more aggressive (Luo Yousan, 2017/02/22).


China or Viet Nam has a capital account as well as a general account, and the capital account may stipulate that it must be a bank authorized by the local country in which the foreign exchange is handled. Therefore, a local bank account must be opened in the local country from the outset, and when a local bank account is opened, While the legal representative of a foreign subsidiary must be present, the legal representative of the foreign subsidiary is usually not a local manager and does not stay for many days at the place where the investment was made, which makes it difficult in practice.


This is usually the case where the bank where the investment was made is referred by the investor’s local bank manager. For example, a Canadian company, Vancouver, wants to invest in Shanghai and they find a branch manager of the Bank of China in Vancouver, Open an account there and do business with each other, and ask them to recommend the Bank of China, Long Bai Branch in Minhang District, Shanghai, so it will be a lot smoother when opened. Usually, it’s easier to find the bank where the investment was made and refer it to the local bank manager of the investor’s local bank.

  • 外資子公司註冊地址與營運地址的問題

The Problem of Registered Address and Operating Address of Foreign Subsidiary;

註冊地址VS 營運地址
ü   該國一個地址只能註冊一家公司嗎?此項規定之目的為何?
ü   該國外資子公司永久註冊地址與營運地址可以不同嗎?此項規定之目的為何?
ü   該國註冊期間的暫時地址和未來營運地址的規定如何?
ü   該國特許行業註冊地址規定?此項規定之目的為何?


Registered Address VS Operating Address

*Can only one company be registered at a single address in the country? What is the purpose of this provision?

*Can the permanent registered address of a foreign subsidiary in the country be different from the operating address? What is the purpose of this provision?

*What are the requirements for a temporary address and a future operating address for the period of registration in the country?

*What are the registered addresses of the licensed industries in the country? What is the purpose of this provision?


LEG-WW-40: What are the requirements for addresses and future operating addresses during registration?


Why is the investee country concerned about the need for a registered address for a foreign subsidiary, The government should be afraid of the existence of shell companies, which usually offer invoices to other companies for tax purposes without a real transaction, so-called fake invoices, and may also be used for illegal purposes such as money laundering. The foreign subsidiary may have committed these unlawful acts in the name of the legal person of the head, often abroad. This often causes a great headache to the local government and the foreign subsidiary is expected to have an actual business address.


However, many countries have slow administrative efficiency, with some completing the establishment of a company within a month, while others may take three to four months, or even six months.


You must sign a lease before you can obtain a business license for the company, Moreover, the Government has prepared for four to six months, and even worried that it would not be able to obtain a company license or operating License. This is indeed a disincentive to foreign investment in investment.


Every time we go to a city, we visit the China Merchants Administration and tell them about the difficulty of foreign subsidiaries. So many countries use local directors to keep a lid on them, and they are less likely to care about a registered address. There are also many countries where state agencies provide free registration addresses for foreign affiliates to avoid paying rent during company registration, The actual business address is rented only after obtaining the company license and business license and issuing the invoice. To reduce the rental cost during the preparatory period for the establishment of foreign-funded subsidiaries. In particular, these official agencies that offer free registration addresses are more interested in having foreign subsidiaries that can serve as actual operating premises.

  • LEG-WW-40:特許行業及限制投資行業註冊地址問題

LEG-WW-40: Registered Addresses in Franchising and Restricted Investment Industries


Allow foreign investment industries, such as general merchandise import and export trade and sales, and consultancy services, These registered addresses can be first arranged in the Business Center or by lawyers, CPAs, Companies Registration Agency, etc. The virtual registered address can be arranged. When the actual operation takes place, the actual business address can be rented and the original virtual registered address can continue to be used, that is to say, the registered address and the actual address can be stored.


But franchising and foreign-funded investment industries usually have conditions in place that require on-the-spot examination, It is less easy to use virtual registration addresses to register foreign-funded companies in licensed industries or in industries where foreign investment is restricted.


So we usually recommend that multinational companies, instead of applying for a franchise or restricting the investment industry, register a company that allows foreign investment in the industry first, It would be more practical to work with local qualified companies and then slowly acquire these qualifications on their own initiative, so that the fight ahead is more realistic.

  • 外資子公司投資額、註冊資本額與政府規費的問題

The Amount of Investment, Registered Capital and Government Fee in Foreign Subsidiary Companies;

ü   該國有投資額=資本額+貸款額之規定嗎?
ü   該國對外資有最低投資額限制嗎?資本額與貸款額比例有規定嗎?
ü   該國有授權資本、已認股本、已支付股本之規定嗎?
ü   該國對外資有最低授權資本限制嗎?最低支付股本比例有規定嗎?
ü   該國對外資公司之政府規費的規定為何?
ü   該國對外資公司之政府規費與授權資本、已認股本、已支付股本的關係為何?


Investment, Authorized Capital, Subscribed Capital, Paid Capital, Government Fee

*Does the country have investment = capital + loan amount?

*Does the country have a minimum investment limit for foreign investment? Is there a capital-to-loan ratio?

*Does the country have authorized capital, subscribed equity, paid equity?

*Does the country have minimum authorized capital limits on foreign investment? Is there a requirement for the minimum paid share capital ratio?

*What are the requirements for government fees for foreign-funded companies in the country?

*What is the relationship between the government fee for a foreign company and the authorized capital, subscribed capital and paid-up capital?

  • LEG-WW-25:外資子公司政府規費的規定為何?

LEG-WW-25: What are the requirements for government fees for foreign affiliates?


The establishment of a foreign-funded company is usually the first stage, which is subject to the examination and approval of the foreign capital of each country or economy, and then to the registration and administration of the company. More likely, we need to deal with various tax certificates, such as central government income tax certificate, local government income tax certificate, central business tax certificate and local business tax certificate. May also need to handle payroll related card number, such as social insurance certificate number, health insurance certificate number, pension card number, labor ministry certificate number. And the industry and product-related license number, such as import and export license number, product license number, license trade certificate number.


The application for these CDs, which are administered by the governments concerned, are based on the user fee principle and charge government fees from foreign subsidiaries. Some government agencies do not charge investors a fee because of their role in encouraging non-Government investors to invest, such as foreign audit institutions. Some government departments separate foreign investment from domestic investment. As long as the government fee for foreign investment is higher than that for domestic investment, the government fee is much higher. Most of the government fees for registration in a foreign-funded company are at a certain percentage of the amount of capital. And the amount of capital also has different kinds of attention, introduced below.

  • LEG-WW-25:外資子公司政府規費與授權資本、已認股本、已支付股本的關係為何?

LEG-WW-25: What is the relationship between foreign affiliates’ government fees and authorized capital, subscribed capital and paid-up capital?

英美法系的公司法裡頭有授權資本(Authorized Capital),已認股本(Issued Capital),已支付股本(Paid-up Capital)三層。

Anglo-American corporate law has Authorized Capital, Issued Capital and Paid-up Capital, three levels of Paid-up equity.


The share capital has been subscribed, but the share capital has not yet been paid, and the creditors of the future company have the right to demand a refund of the share capital. The advantage is that the manager takes the lead and does not have to pay the full share capital. Future dividends are allocated in proportion to actual paid-in share capital.


For example, a foreign subsidiary in the Philippines could be set at $3.2 million of authorized capital, A minimum of US$ 800,000 of pledged capital, and a minimum of US$ 200,000 of paid-in capital. In the Philippines more than 40 per cent foreign investment, the minimum effective equity payment threshold is $200,000, The remittance must be made before the application for the establishment of the company, and the remittance form is one of the necessary documents for the establishment of the company.


At the same time, the basis for calculating the relevant fees for company registration is different. For example, the Philippine Government in Manila, the Central Government’s SEC uses the authorized capital to calculate the government fees, The Philippine Internal Revenue Service calculates government fees on the basis of pre-subscribed shares, while the city of Manila calculates government fees on the basis of actual share capital payments.

大陸法系,則只有兩層,授權資本(Authorized Capita)及已認已支付資本(Issued and paid-up Capital)。政府規費通常以授權資本額來計算。

In civil law, there are only two layers of Authorized Capita (Authorized Capita) and recognized paid Capita ( Issued and paid-up Capital). Government fees are usually calculated on the basis of authorized capital.


In some areas, there is a fine line between investment and registered capital, such as China and Vietnam, where the registered capital of $1 million may be $500,000 of the total investment, The $500,000 loan is designed so that future foreign capital can borrow more working capital, and when things go smoothly, there is surplus money that can be repaid overseas. This is often the case in countries where foreign exchange controls operate, which facilitates the repatriation of foreign investment funds.

  • 各類外資子公司證號的申請

Application for Various Kinds of Foreign Subsidiaries

ü   該國的法律實體的證號:公司註冊號碼由中央核發?或由各省核發?
ü  該國公司所得稅只是中央所得稅?還是有中央所得稅及地方所得稅?
ü  假如有中央所得稅及地方所得稅:有中央所得稅註冊號碼?有地方營業稅註冊號碼? 此項規定之目的為何?
ü  該國公司所得稅稅務證號與公司註冊證號相同嗎? 此項規定之目的為何?
ü  假如有中央所得稅及地方所得稅,課徵時是分開各自課徵嗎?
ü  假如有中央所得稅及地方所得稅是一起課徵,由哪個單位課徵?
ü  其他該國”營利事業所得稅規定”與外資公司設立規劃注意事項?
ü  其他該國”跨國稅務規定”與外資公司設立規劃注意事項?
ü  該國需扣繳之各類所得稅稅務證號與公司所得稅稅務證號相同嗎?
ü  該國需扣繳之各類所得稅只是中央所得稅?還是有中央所得稅及地方所得稅?
ü  假如有中央所得稅及地方所得稅:有中央註冊號碼?有地方註冊號碼?此項規定之目的為何?
ü  假如有中央所得稅及地方所得稅,課徵時是分開各自課徵嗎?
ü  假如有中央所得稅及地方所得稅是一起課徵,由哪個單位課徵?
ü  其他該國”需扣繳之各類所得稅規定”與外資公司設立規劃注意事項?
ü  該國營業稅只是中央營業稅?還是有中央營業稅及地方營業稅?
ü  假如有中央營業稅及地方營業稅:有中央營業稅註冊號碼?有地方營業稅註冊號碼? 此項規定之目的為何?
ü  該國營業稅稅務證號與所得稅稅務證號相同嗎?此項規定之目的為何?
ü  假如有中央營業稅及地方營業稅,課徵時是分開各自課徵嗎?
ü  假如有中央營業稅及地方營業稅是一起課徵,由哪個單位課徵?
ü  其他該國“營業稅規定”與外資公司設立規劃注意事項?
ü  社會保險證號?主管社會保險政府機構名稱?
ü  醫療保險證號?主管醫療保險政府機構名稱?
ü  退休金證號?主管退休金政府機構名稱?
ü  以上三項證號是合一還是分開的? 此項規定之目的為何?
ü  各項社會福利費之課徵,課徵時是分開各自課徵嗎?
ü  各項社會福利費之課徵,假如是一起課徵,由哪個單位課徵?
ü  該國各項社會福利證號與公司註冊證號相同嗎?此項規定之目的為何?
ü  其他該國”薪資法規”與外資公司設立規劃注意事項?
ü  該國需要申請勞動相關證號嗎?主管勞動管理當局政府機構名稱?
ü  該國勞動相關證號與公司註冊證號相同嗎?此項規定之目的為何?
ü  其他該國”勞動法規”與外資公司設立規劃注意事項?
ü  該國進出口證號是由中央統一發證嗎?此項規定之目的為何?
ü  該國進出口證號與產品代號HS code 有關嗎?需要相關產業主管機關審核發證嗎?此項規定之目的為何?
ü  該國進出口證號與公司註冊證號相同嗎? 此項規定之目的為何?
ü  申請所得稅稅證規費多少?
ü  申請營業稅稅證規費多少?
ü  申請各項社會福利證號規費多少?
ü  申請勞動管理證號規費多少?
ü  申請進出口證號規費多少?
ü  申請網路銀行帳戶規費多少?


Company Registration Number:

*Certificate of the legal entity of the State: Is the company’s registration number centrally issued? Or issued by the provinces?


Tax Certificate Number of Corporate Income Tax:

*Is the country’s corporate income tax a central income tax? Or is there a central income tax and a local income tax?

*If there is a central income tax and a local income tax: is there a central income tax registration number? Is there a Local Sales Tax Registration Number? What is the purpose of this provision?

*Is the Company Income Tax Certificate Number the same as the Company Registration Certificate Number in the country? What is the purpose of this provision?

*If there is a central income tax and a local income tax, will they be levied separately when they are levied?

*If there is central income tax and local income tax is levied together, by which unit?

*What should be noted in the plans for the establishment of foreign-funded companies with regard to the income tax provisions for profit-making enterprises in other countries?

*What are the national “transnational tax provisions” and planning considerations for foreign-funded companies?


Withholding Certificate Number – Amount of Income Tax to Be Withheld:

*Are the various types of income tax certificates to be withheld in the country the same as corporate income tax certificates?

*What types of income tax to be withheld in the country is only central income tax? Or is there a central income tax and a local income tax?

*If there is a central income tax and local income tax: is there a central registration number? There’s a local registration number? What is the purpose of this provision?

*If there is a central income tax and a local income tax, will they be levied separately when they are levied?

*If there is central income tax and local income tax is levied together, by which unit?

*What are the requirements for withholding income tax in other countries and what should be noted in the establishment planning of foreign-funded companies?


Tax no. of sales tax

*Is the country’s sales tax just a central sales tax? Or is there a central sales tax and a local sales tax?

*If there is central business tax and local business tax: Is there a central business tax registration number? Is there a Local Sales Tax Registration Number? What is the purpose of this provision?

*Is the Tax Certificate of Business Tax of the country the same as the Tax Certificate of Income Tax? What is the purpose of this provision?

*If there is a central business tax and a local business tax, will they be levied separately when levied?

*If there is a central business tax and a local business tax are levied together, by which unit?

*What are the points for attention in other country’s “Business Tax Provisions” and foreign-funded company establishment planning?


Employee Social Welfare Card Number;

*Social security number? Name of the government agency in charge of social insurance?

*Medical insurance number? Name of the government agency in charge of medical insurance?

*Pension certificate number? Name of the government body responsible for pensions?

*Are the above three identification numbers one or separate? What is the purpose of this provision?

*Are the various social welfare levies levied separately when they are levied?

*What is the charge for various social welfare costs, if it is a levy together, by which unit?

*Are the country’s social welfare number the same as the company’s registration number? What is the purpose of this provision?

*What are the other country’s “pay regulations” and planning considerations for foreign-funded companies?


Certificate number of labor administration authority

*Does the country need to apply for a labour-related certificate number? Name of the government agency in charge of labour administration?

*Is the labour-related certificate number the same as the company registration number in the country? What is the purpose of this provision?

*other country “labor regulations” and foreign-funded company establishment planning points?


Import and Export License Number

*Is the import and export License number issued by the Central People’s Government? What is the purpose of this provision?

*Does the country’s import and export License number relate to the product code HS Does the relevant industry authority need to verify and issue licenses? What is the purpose of this provision?

*Is the country’s import and export License number the same as the company’s registration number? What is the purpose of this provision?


Government fees

*What is the fee for applying for income tax certificates?

*What is the fee for applying for Business Tax Certificate?

*What is the fee for applying for various social welfare card numbers?

*What is the fee for applying for a labour management certificate number?

*What is the fee for applying for an import and export License number?

*How much to apply for online bank account fee?


Summarize the various country identification numbers:


LEG-WW-70: Identification number of relevant legal entities: issued by the Central Authority? Or issued by the provinces? National (federal) corporate card number, provincial (state) corporate card number,


INI-WW-80: Certificate Number of the Tax Entity: National Tax Certificate Number? Local tax number? National (Federal) Tax Certificate Number, Provincial (State) Tax Certificate Number,


INI-WW-20: Business Tax Certificate Number: Central Business Tax Certificate Number? Local Business Tax Certificate Number? National value-added tax number, provincial (state) value-added tax number,


INI-WW-40: Social Insurance Certificate Number, Medical Insurance Certificate Number, Pension Certificate Number, Other MPF Number, Housing Provident Fund Number


INI-WW-50: Labor Union Certificate Number


INI-WW-60 Import and Export License Number


SPE-ww-60 also has the license trade number.


Why are there so many ID cards? Because of the different government units under their jurisdiction and the different allocation of funds, there is no uniform system of government information at all levels. Every company and each government jurisdiction must apply for one account number.


Different intergovernmental account number is different, cause the inconvenience of foreign subsidiary company, often apply for a foreign capital company to need 3-4 months more. The World Bank, affiliated with the United Nations, hasㄧweb pages,, which are ranked annually for the convenience of foreign affiliates in each country. Countries are therefore committed to reform. The method is to unify the identification number and to centralize the audit unit in the same window, which involves reorganizing the various branches of government, so that the Government that can represent the country becomes more efficient and the investment environment is better.


The most obvious reform of the Unified Certificate is China, which is the combination of the Three Certificates and the Five Certificates. The provincial (municipal) level will unify the company card number and the tax certificate number and the statistical certificate number into a single audit, such a measure will be reduced by at least 30 working days during the period of company registration in China. Then there’s the Indian GST, which combines the central tax number with the state tax card number, allowing the input tax to be deducted from interstate transactions.

  • 派駐人員工作證, 簽證與居留

Posting of Staff Permits, Visas and Residency

工作證,簽證,居留證 申請條件與程序
ü  該國工作證、簽證、居留證申請條件與薪資有關係嗎?此項規定之目的為何?
ü  該國工作證、簽證、居留證申請條件與資本額有關係嗎?此項規定之目的為何?
ü  該國工作證、簽證、居留證申請條件與營業額有關係嗎?此項規定之目的為何?
ü  派駐人員的工作證申請的條件和程序為何?
ü  派駐人員的簽證申請的條件和程序為何?
ü  派駐人員的居留證等申請的條件和程序為何?
ü  需認證投資國相關文件為何?
ü  如需認證,該國對投資國文件只要由專業人士實名認證?還是要經過雙方政府公證&認證手續? 此項規定之目的為何?
ü  如需政府經過雙方政府公證&認證手續,步驟: (1)投資國證件公證;(2)投資國政府單位認證;(3)被投資國駐外單位認證
ü  投資國相關文件公證單位(法院公證處or 民間公證人)為何?
ü  投資相關文件投資國認證單位(外交部)名稱為何?
ü  投資相關文件認證單位(被投資國派駐在投資國駐外單位)為何?
ü  派駐人員的住房補貼要計入個人所得課稅稅基與員工社會福利稅稅基?此項規定之目的為何?
ü  派駐人員的在被投資國需強制參與當地的社會福利嗎?此項規定之目的為何?
ü  管理考量–派駐人員的必需保留在投資國個人所得稅與社會福利?
ü  管理考量–派駐人員的定期回國休假?
ü  該國允許眷屬隨行嗎? 此項規定之目的為何?
ü  眷屬可以工作嗎? 此項規定之目的為何?
ü  子女受教育有公民待遇嗎? 此項規定之目的為何?
ü  管理考量–補貼教育費用嗎?


Work permit, visa, residence permit application conditions and procedure

*Are the conditions for applying for a work permit, visa and residence permit related to salary in the country? What is the purpose of this provision?

*Is the country’s work permit, visa, residence permit application condition related to the amount of capital? What is the purpose of this provision?

*Does the country’s work permit, visa, residence permit application conditions relate to turnover? What is the purpose of this provision?

*What are the conditions and procedures for applying for a work permit for a personnel presence?

*What are the conditions and procedures for the application for a visa for the presence of a person?

*What are the conditions and procedures for applications such as residence permits for accredited personnel?


Rules on the Certification of Work Permit, Visa and Residence Permit Documents;

*What are the documents required to certify the home country?

*If certification is required, are the country’s investment country documents certified only by a professional person’s real name? Still want to pass both government notarization& attestation procedure? What is the purpose of this provision?

*If the Government is required to go through the notarization-authentication procedures of the two Governments, step: (1) Notarization of the documents of the country of investment; (ii) Certification of government entities in the home country; (3) Certification of Units Stationed Abroad in the Investee Country

*What is the relevant document notary unit in the country of investment (court notary public or notary public)?

*What is the name of the certification authority (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) in the country of investment related documentation?

*What are the investment-related documentation certification units (units of the investee country stationed abroad)?


Issues related to the treatment of accredited personnel:

*Housing subsidies for personnel are included in the personal income tax base and the employee’s social welfare tax base? What is the purpose of this provision?

*Is there a need for compulsory participation in local social benefits in the host country? What is the purpose of this provision?

*Management considerations – the need to maintain a presence in the home country for personal income tax and social benefits?

*Management considerations — periodic repatriation leave for deployed personnel?


Education of Dependants and Their Children of Assigned Personnel

*Is family allowed in the country? What is the purpose of this provision?

*Are dependents allowed to work? What is the purpose of this provision?

*Are children being educated treated as citizens? What is the purpose of this provision?

*Management considerations – subsidizing education costs?


WPR-WW-10 National Work Permits, Visas, and Residence Permits are approved, which has much to do with the salary, capital and turnover of the Applicant.


WPR-WW-10: The staff member has a local work permit, a work VISA VISA VISA VISA, and a local resident’s certificate to handle the issue; In addition, arrange for regular repatriation leave and exchange with parent company personnel;


WPR-WW-10: Foreigners with a work permit in India must have an annual salary of more than $25,000, on the basis of which they must be withheld from the company for personal income tax

WPR-WW-10:在台灣每個外國子公司可以派駐一人,沒有最低薪資限制,也沒有學經歷限制,其家屬可以隨同,第二年起有達到一定的年營業額才能繼續派任。在台灣如非投資派任,要聘請員工,必須是專業人員,大學畢業加2年國外派駐經驗,而且每月最低薪資約為USD 1,700,個人所得稅扣繳稅率18%。

WPR-WW-10: Each foreign subsidiary in Taiwan can be accredited to one person, With no minimum wage limit and no academic experience limit, his or her family can accompany him or her, and from the following year, he or she can only continue to be assigned if he or she reaches a certain annual turnover. In Taiwan, if you don’t invest, hire staff, Must be a Professional, University graduate plus 2 years experience in a foreign country and minimum monthly salary of approximately USD 1700, Personal Income Tax Withholding 18%.


WPR-WW-30: in addition to housing subsidies; And local social insurance, medical insurance, and personal income tax, the topic of payment of company subsidies.


WPR-WW-30: Normally accredited personnel in the parent company must maintain their social security, health insurance, retirement benefits, etc., without interruption, and must therefore continue to be paid. Overseas subsidiaries must still comply with local laws and regulations and must also be paid personal income tax, so there is often a claim of double pay.


WPR-WW-30: Many countries in Europe, such as Germany, France and Spain, must demonstrate that their nationals are not eligible for employment in the country; A period of notice is therefore required; You can’t hire anyone until you apply.


CBM-WW-00: Project-based project contracts must give priority to the hiring and training of local people, not only white-collar engineers, but especially blue-collar workers as much as possible. So training system is very important, long-term thorough development and the economic development and promotion of personnel in the location of subsidiaries are the key factors that determine whether the overseas subsidiaries can succeed or not.


CBM-WW-00: After the Establishment of Overseas Subsidiaries of Multinational Enterprises, In the long run, the ultimate goal should be to select and recruit local talents and to strengthen the Group, that is, to extend its power overseas. This is also usually the expectation of the home country to increase employment and train local talent, after many years of operation, many multinational subsidiaries are only assigned by the parent company to the general manager and other 1-2 people, who are only available on the spot. But it still needs to operate under the parent company’s standard operating procedures (SOP) in the short term.

Contact Us
Dale Chen, Principal Partner CPA in UK+TW+CN/Patent Attorney in TW/MBA/DBA
Office Tel: +886-2-2717-0515 ext. 100
Mobile: +886-933920199
Skype: daleccchen
linkedin address: 
Dale Chen Linkedin
Director Jerry Chu, USA Graduate School Alumni & a well-English speaker
Office Tel: +886-2-2717-0515 ext. 103
Mobile: +886-939-357-735

Additional information
Evershine has 100% affiliates in the following cities:
Headquarter, Taipei, Xiamen, Beijing, Shanghai,
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Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Dubai,
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Other cities with existent clients:
Miami, Atlanta, Oklahoma, Michigan, Seattle, Delaware;
Berlin, Stuttgart; Prague; Czech Republic; Bangalore; Surabaya;
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Evershine CPAs Firm is an IAPA member firm headquartered in London, with 300 member offices worldwide and approximately 10,000 employees.
Evershine CPAs Firm is a LEA member headquartered in Chicago, USA, it has 600 member offices worldwide and employs approximately 28,000 people.
Besides, Evershine is Taiwan local Partner of ADP Streamline ®.
(version: 2022/03)

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